
Arduino Manuals
Arduino Playground - Manuals and Curriculum
Manuals and curriculum provide cohesive coverage of Arduino in general, or a specific application of arduino. In either case, these are single sources that cover a variety of related topics. These could be used by individuals, teacher, and classes as stand-alone introductions to Arduino.
Arduino Website on PDF
These PDF files are useful if you haven't access to the internet and you want to have the most information available on the Arduino website with you.
Learning Section - download here (4.62MB)Reference Section - download here (3.62MB)
Full list of Arduino Books
Full list of every Arduino book we could find in one place with reviews
Arduino Booklet - written by Massimo Banzi - has become theO'Reilly book "Getting Started With Arduino" (Must be purchased) here
Arduino Programming Notebook - written by Brian Evans in its first edition can be
- purchased as a 40 page paperback at publishing cost at LULU, or
- downloaded for free as a pdf: arduino_notebook_v1-1.pdf
City University of Hong Kong, School of Creative Media - runs undergraduate / graduate level courses on the Arduino & basic electronics for artists: electronics for artists: Arduino & basic electronics for artists class website
Tutorial - Learn electronics using Arduino: covers the fundamental things you can do with Arduino. Very detailed, with lots of pictures and videos.
Tutorials - Regular, supported Arduino tutorial series From blinking an LED to complex timing, wireless communication including XBee and GSM cellular, GPS and display systems - detailed tutorials with worked examples, sketches, photos and videos.
Getting Started - Designers guide to getting started with electronic sketching
The Complete Beginners Guide to the Arduino - EarthShineElectronics - Beginners guide to using the Arduino. Contains tutorial projects.
Quarkstream - Arduino tutorials for high school Physics class.
Sheepdog's Guide to Arduino Programming - About 35,000 words spread over 17 chapters. Most useful if you read the chapters in sequence. Some essential hardware issues explained along the way, but mostly about the programming. You can start it as a novice. You should leave it not a novice.